DVDID | Chapter 16
A veterinary clinic doesn't exist here. There's also no such thing as an ointment for animals, and no standard treatment, especially for dogs.
I didn't know any alternative, so I used an ointment for humans and gently applied it on all of Tofu's wounds, careful not to hurt him. Thank God, Tofu didn't struggle as I spread the ointment on his body.
"Is it painful, Tofu?”
I'm so proud of Tofu, seeing him enduring the whole process of putting medicine on his body. Afterwards, I gave him a hearty meal. It was so heartbreaking watching Tofu eat hurriedly.
Does that mean the captors didn't even feed him the whole time he was captured? Those bastards either want Tofu to starve or was planning to kill him soon. I will surely make them pay someday!
Tofu was eating without a thought in the world. Not long ago, he used to be so cautious while eating, but now he seemed a bit more relaxed.
Although you eat in a hurry, you're strangely elegant.
"Is it inborn?”
Tofu paused in eating and tilted his head. Elle, who unknowingly voiced out her thoughts, didn't expect he would react immediately and waved her hand to gesture him to continue eating.
After emptying one plate, Tofu soon stretched out on the couch and immediately fell asleep.
"He must be exhausted."
"Of course, he is. It must be that bastard's doing.”
"Oh, my! Is it Mr. Coffari? Should you talk like that, Lady Elle?"
"Hmph, that jerk doesn't deserve any kind of respect, so do not ever call him Mr. from now on."
"Yes, that's right! Lady Elle, you seem to know everything."
How does trash-talking have to do with knowing everything? But I still replied to Lari. "Of course, I do."
Lari stroked the sleeping Tofu as she laughed.
* * *
Other than having a violent temper, Raella had always associated herself with extravagance. She insisted on everything she wears to be of the highest quality, and she possessed a discerning eye for fashion.
So both of her dresses and jewelry were all done with the most delicate handwork. She wouldn't even wear it unless it was the only one in the world. I don't know about the jewels, but I dare not imagine myself wearing a dress similar to Raella.
The Duke of Landmiken was able to lavish her with luxury because of his vast wealth, and his family was also very concerned about quality, if not as much as Raella.
They also sent a room-full of dresses and jewelry after I got married even though I already told them not to.
Of course, I had never been interested, so I always wore a comfortable and uncomplicated one-piece dress. There was also a bundle of dresses that were not taken out of the luggages because I had no intention of wearing them.
As the time was approaching for me to meet with the Emperor, I had to pay attention to how I dressed.
So we started cleaning up the dressing room and checked all the clothes which I had never seen before. However, glancing at them, it looks all the same to me. All pretty but slightly heavy-looking.
"Lari, which of these is the best?"
"Everything looks pretty to me."
Lari said she could do basic makeup, but Elle had no intention of putting on makeup. Instead, Elle asked if there's a sunscreen or anything similar to that, but then Lari asked her back what's a sunscreen.
Without a sunscreen, I don't know how Raella managed to get a nice suntan skin with all that scorching heat in the Desert Kingdom when she should have had sun-burned and dry skin. So I really thought UV sunscreens also exist in this world.
Is this a perk of being one of the side characters? No matter, my skin is smooth and glowing, so I don't need to put on makeup.
"I don't need makeup. Please choose a dress for me.”
"My pleasure!" Lari was seemingly excited as she rummaged through several suitcases.
Raella chose only the best anyway, so I need not worry about the clothes being ugly. As long as it covers what needs to be covered, then I'm okay with it.
On the other hand, Lari marveled at the dresses and hailed that everything would suit me. Perhaps Lari had been blinded by her loyalty that she couldn't distinguish the difference.
"Are you scared of me?”
"Pardon? Why do you say that?"
"I was just wondering if you're only praising me because you're scared that I might get mad once you tell the truth."
"What are you talking about! I dare not lie...!"
"...... Alright."
"It's my first time working in the palace, but before I came here, I was already working as a maid of a noble family from the countryside. I know I shouldn't be comparing, but I'm more comfortable with you as my master, Lady Elle."
"Of course!"
"I'm curious. Would you tell me more about you?”
Lari did her best to know everything about me(except for my possession of this body, of course) so I would feel comfortable living here, and yet I haven't even worked hard to know anything about her.
I only knew she was good at her job even if it's the first time she does it and that she could knock someone out with a flick of her finger.
"...... You're curious about me?"
"Yes, I am. If you...... don't want to, then it's fine."
Well, I will understand since I'm actually hiding something.
"No! I'm just happy!"
For Lari, Lady Elle was the first person to treat her like a normal person and the first person to be curious about her life. Lari had been with employers that didn't even know her name while working under them, so Lari became excited talking about herself even more than choosing Lady Elle's dress.
Lari was from an ordinary family of farmers. Her parents and one young brother were living far away from the capital, and another younger brother was doing well in his studies, attending the Rennes Academy.
Such cases are few and far between because most commoners aren't eligible to attend the Rennes Academy. More than half of Lari's money goes to her younger brother's tuition, but it didn't matter to her as long as she could help her younger brother finished his studies.
"I want to visit Lari's hometown someday.”
"Oh, my. There's nothing to see there.”
"It's alright. I'll just say my greetings to your parents and express my thanks that they brought up Lari very well."
"...... Thank you."
Somehow, their conversation created a warm atmosphere.
We were so immersed in our conversation that we overlooked the time and so I roughly picked out a dress from the countless selections. It was because Lari and I don't have a good eye for fashion at all.
* * *
The dress that I chose absentmindedly was a green silk piece with paned sleeves embellished with intricate embroidery and beadwork. It caught my eye as I was picking randomly yesterday, and when I tried it on today, I only realized that it was exquisite, and I looked like a real princess in it.
Elle, who looked at her reflection in the mirror, smiled slightly and admired her new appearance.
I think I've only seen this in dramas. Of course, Lari was the only person to praise me.
At this time, Tofu had just dropped by, and when he saw Elle already changed into a new dress, his jaw dropped and eyes bugging out, totally stupefied.
"What's wrong with his face?"
"Oh, my. Perhaps he fell in love with Lady Elle?"
"Pffft! Is that so?"
"Of course! Every male is the same, may it be human or animal."
"Hmm, male, huh... I'm not quite sure because the fur was too thick. However, I got a glimpse of it back then and assumed he's a male.”
Now, Tofu seemed like he's appalled after what I said. What's wrong with him? Is he shy or something?
"...... Okay, let me check."
Lari also seemed to have doubts, thinking that Tofu was naturally a male because he appeared robust and ate multiple servings in one meal.
Lari approached Tofu, saying, "Stay still," but then Tofu freaked out and ran away.
Elle and Lari hurriedly chased after him, and Tofu stopped at the end of the hall with nowhere to run. His vigilance was up, so they didn't dare to approach and only beckoned him to come. But he didn't budge and only kept his guard no matter how much they called.
Since Tofu sometimes likes to be cuddled, I stopped raising my voice and decided to changed my tone.
"Tofu, why aren't you coming? My baby is a good boy, so come here."
"He doesn't seem to understand us, but why?”
"There's no way he wouldn't understand. Oh, Lady Elle! Lord Shuddin is here!"
"Oh, we have to go."
I didn't think that the Grand Chamberlain himself would come and escort me to the Central Palace. Not only that, but he also brought a high-class carriage with the Rennes Empire's crest on it.
Seeing the shocking entourage, the thought of determining the sex of Tofu flew away from Elle's mind as they approached the carriage.
"Let's get in."
A knight stretched out his hand, and Elle naturally grabbed it as he helped her climbed into the carriage.
At that moment, however, Tofu leaped into the carriage after her.
Tofu was stopped by one of the knights. It was a given since he's a knight, but Elle became furious when she saw Tofu thrown away by the sheathed sword.
"What are you doing?!"
"......... Pardon? Bu, but—”
"It's my dog!"
"What? You have a dog?”
"Why? Am I not allowed to have one?"
The knight opened his eyes wide as if he could not believe her words, but when Elle retorted with annoyance in her tone, he quickly closed his mouth.
"...... Mr. Shuddin, may the dog come along with us?"
"You may."
"Thank you."
The others, except for Shuddin, looked at Elle as if she was a strange being.
Of course, their gazes weren't at all favorable. She came from a place full of savages and heartless people, and yet she cared so much for a lowly dog.
Duke's Villainous Daughter is Depressed Chapter 16
Reviewed by Admin
September 05, 2020

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