In This Life, I Will Be The Lord Chapter 5

﹡ ⊰  Chapter 5  ⊱ ⊹ ﹡

"She kicked and knocked him down, and after that, she hurriedly hit him with a book..."

I'm going crazy.

To lie like this by twisting facts.

It was also surprising that Astalliu had a brain capable of doing that.

With all my heart, I wanted to shout that that was all lies, but I held back.

Instead, I just looked at my grandfather with the meaning of 'I have something to say!'

My grandfather looked at me once and asked Astalliu again.

"You mean that Firentia started beating you and Bellesac for no reason?"

"Well, that..."

Sadly, Astalliu is not so adept at making up lies quickly.

Among Lombardy's line, especially those with a muscle head might do some physical work, but jobs that require knowledge are difficult for them.

"Firentia hates us from the beginning!"

Feeling a sense of crisis, Bellesac spoke out loud instead of Astalliu.

I raised the tail of my mouth silently.

"Don't interrupt someone else's conversation, Bellesac."

Because it's what Grandpa hates the most.

That is why I have been holding it in without yelling that it's unfair.

"Where did you learn such despicable manners?"

Bellesac's tears, which have stopped, flowed again from the rebuke.

But he can't even make a whimper about how scared he was.

"Keep talking, Astalliu."

It is Astalliu who is getting more nervous now.

The guy who couldn't make up the right excuses before now buried his face in his father's clothes, Roulier, and started crying.


That was usually the reaction of the children confronted by our grandfather.

Rulhac Lombardy's tremendous charisma sometimes makes even normal adults tremble.

I already know how my grandfather would deal with the children of Lombardy in the past, so I now know what to do.

Most people didn't even dare to make eye contact.


As my grandfather called me, I felt my father's hand grasping my shoulder.

"Firentia, why don't you tell me what happened?"

But while asking questions, my grandfather didn't seem to have very high expectations.

It was natural.

The original me, Firentia, was an exceptionally timid child.

That's what I inherited from my father, more so because I was harassed by my cousins like that.

But I said, looking straight into my grandfather's eyes.

"I have done nothing wrong."

"Even when my son is like this now...... !"


Eventually, great anger broke out from my grandfather.

The momentum of Vieze, who seemed to want to chew me at any moment, died, and his shoulders shriveled.

Not learning his lesson, he couldn't overcome his temper and intervene, forgetting that just a while ago, his son was scolded for doing the same thing.

Like father, like son.

"Keep talking."

Grandpa said to me with a grave face.

But I could see that there was something else in those eyes that seemed cold at first glance.

"I was here waiting for my father. But all of a sudden, Bellesac and Astalliu came and made fun of me by calling me half-blood, and I told him not to do that, so he hit me."

"You got hit? Who hit you?"


I did not forget to lift my index finger and point to Bellesac.

"And he called me lowly-born and told me to go out to the commoners' village."

Even if I haven't seen it, I knew what kind of expression my father has as he listened to me now.

It was because the hand on my shoulder was trembling with anger.

I originally wouldn't make a fuss with this small issue, but now it was time to tell him how I was being treated.

Father, I'm sorry.

Please be patient.

"So did you hit Bellesac because of that?"


"Then why did you hit him?"

"That's because Bellesac..."

I took a small breath and said again.

"That's because Bellesac told me that I'm not a Lombardy."

I and my grandfather's brown eyes met directly.

They were plain-looking brown eyes, but I knew they saw so much that even the worst assassin couldn't imagine.

"I know that I'm a half-blood."

My mother wasn't allowed to use Lombardy's name until the end, so I was definitely a half-blood.

I had no intention of denying it.

"But even though I'm a half-blood, I'm definitely a Lombardy. A Lombardy that you, Grandfather acknowledged yourself."

In the past, I thought I was incomplete because my mother was a commoner.

That's why I was always ignored as a half-blood, and my cousins ​​regarded me as such and that I would never become a true Lombardy.

That's why I accepted it, that it was worthy enough to be treated like a servant, not as a member of Lombardy.

However, when I saw how they were running the family, I realized it was painful.

That I'm a hundred times more worthy of the name Lombardy than those morons who only ever flaunted the Family name, Lombardy.

That I am the best Lombardy that anyone could ever ask for.

"Bellesac said that I wasn't a Lombardy. And I can't stand it."

"You didn't hit him because he made fun of you being a lowborn, but because he said you weren't a Lombardy?"


I nodded and answered, then deliberately added a word.


It meant 'I'm your granddaughter too'.

I wanted to say that I deserve to call you grandfather as much as Bellesac.

And at that moment I saw.

The faint smile on my grandfather's face, who had been stiff, had appeared.

"Did your knees hurt?"

At the end of my grandfather's words, I looked down at my knees.

Blood was bleeding from where I fell.

"Of course, it hurts."

"But you aren't crying, usually you are a cry baby."

I've ruined it.

Do you think it's strange that I suddenly changed, who was a cry baby until yesterday?

A little embarrassed, I replied quickly.

"I will cry. I will say everything I want to say and cry only after I go to my room."


Above my head, I can feel my father smile a little as I heard a sound.

At the same time, the tense atmosphere was gently relieved.

Thank God.

I secretly swallowed a sigh of relief.

The first thing I had to do to become the Head was to earn my grandfather's trust.

The Head of Lombardy is my grandfather.

From the big and small things of the family to the successors, everything goes according to Grandfather's will.

In a word, it meant absolute when we received our grandfather's will.

Although the other people of the Vieze family may not be pleased with me, they can do very little as long as I am favored by my grandfather.

In this Lombardy territory, to stay away from grandfather's eyes is like a social death.

This fight with Bellesac has happened unexpectedly, but it was an opportunity.

I was wondering how to get my grandfather's attention, but it seems like I took a step closer with this opportunity.

"F, Father. I think we need to heal Tia's wounds."

My father, who had noticed, carefully spoke to my grandfather.

"Well, yes, you should. Go on."

"Since I've got your permission, we'll take our leave."

It was when I was trying to hold my father's hand.


Grandpa called me.

Oh, why again.

"Firentia. Is this book yours?"

It was my grandfather who picked up a book that had fallen on the ground and gave it to me and asked.

The thick book titled <People of the South> was not a fairy tale book read by children even at a glance.

That means it is very expensive and valuable.

I froze.

It was because I had completely forgotten about the book and because I knew what my grandfather thought about the people who read this book.

I decided to confess.

My grandfather saw everything as I hit and beat Bellesac with this book, so there was no way out.

"Yes, that's my book."

I replied, holding the book with both hands.

"I'm sorry."


Grandpa looked at me, wondering what I'm sorry about.


You aren't angry?

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Well, it's because I handled the book harshly. Books are meant to convey knowledge, not to beat peop— I mean not to hurt others."

"Didn't you say you did nothing wrong just a moment ago?"

You have a good memory.

I said pretending not to know.

"I think it's a good way to admit it quickly when you realize a mistake."


Grandfather, who laughed for a moment, told my father.

"Come on and take Firentia to the doctor."

There is a doctor who resides inside Lombardy.

With the support of the family, an infirmary was built inside the mansion where sick and injured people are cared for and where physicians teach their disciples and do research.

"Yes, father."

My dad looked at my bleeding knees and hugged me.

Since I'm only seven years old, it was natural for my father to hug his daughter but I am already an adult woman with a mature mind.

It was awkward to be hugged by someone so gently, and it was even my father who died a long time ago and who I never saw again.

"But Father! Are you just going to let her off the hook like this? Firentia hit Bellesac!"

Vieze, who had a crumbling and distorted face, shouted that it was unfair.

"Firentia must be punished accordingly!"

Oh, he's exploded.

I put my face on my father's shoulder and hid, worried about ending up the same as in the past.

"Are you arguing against my decision now?"

Grandpa's voice became cold again.

"No, that's not it...."


"Yes, father."

"Enough, you're behaving quite embarrassingly."

Grandfather, who left only those words, went back to the office.

Vieze worked hard to make his claim, but there was nothing he could do and was left stunned.

"We'll take our leave then."

My father bade the people goodbye while holding me.

I thought we can go right away, but my father stopped for a while and said his piece.

"Brother. Aren't you getting a little too sour over children's fight?"


I had to hurriedly cover my mouth with one hand.

Whenever Bellesac tormented me, this was what they would tell my father but now it is his turn to say those words.

"You, you...!"

Vieze had a temper and wanted to vent, but my dad hurriedly moved his feet and walked away with a calm face.

I hugged my father's neck and looked behind me to look at Bellesac.

When he made eye contact with me, he shuddered.

I gave him a vicious smile and moved my mouth.


The idiot guy suddenly shouted, 'Ahhhhhh!'

He then burst into tears. I was enjoying the scene for a little longer before rubbing my face in my father's arms which I missed so much.

Hmm, it smells good.

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In This Life, I Will Be The Lord Chapter 5 In This Life, I Will Be The Lord Chapter 5 Reviewed by Lnovels on January 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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